Developing Community Resilience to Manage Disaster Risk in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone


  • Barlu Dumbuya

Mots-clés :

no-show, visible minority, ethnicity, country of origin, appointment, immigrant, age


This paper applies the Pressure and Release (PAR) model (Wisner et al. 2004) to understand the progression of vulnerability and to identify the root causes and pressures that may have been responsible for creating those vulnerabilities among the people of Sierra Leone over the past decades. The objective of this study is to construct a framework based on theoretical knowledge to release the identified pressures, to enhance resilience and capacity, and to develop strategies to reduce disaster risks. It is hoped that policy and decision makers will be able to use this study to benefit the population and governance of Sierra Leone.




Comment citer

Dumbuya, B. (2017). Developing Community Resilience to Manage Disaster Risk in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research), 2, 115. Consulté à l’adresse



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