Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Dementia, and Exercise: Increasing White Matter Integrity in the Brain
Mots-clés :
mild traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, dementia, white matterRésumé
Numerous studies have been carried out on mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and its treatment plans. This review covers the history of mTBI, differential diagnosis of the injury, and post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Furthermore, it explores the relationship between mTBI and aging, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease and how exercise relates to changes in white matter in the human brain. From the reviewed literature, it is possible to see the relationship between mTBI injury and white matter: mTBI may lead to structural changes in white matter fibre tract integrity. Exercise can be used to respond to cases of mTBI as it encourages the formation of new connections between neurons along with an increase in the production of new neurons. Aerobic exercise can lead to the replacement of damaged white matter as well as increased cognitive performance. This review demonstrates the possibility of using exercise to treat cases of PCS through white matter repair.Téléchargements
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