Climate change solutions; Electric mobility at York University


  • Codrina Ibanescu


Our intention is to ensure that York University transitions to 100% renewable energy sources over the course of the next few years in light of Canada’s climate emergency declaration. We aim to mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on campus through innovative transportation methods, infrastructure, culture, and art. To enhance this research, we reviewed scholarly literature and used geographic information system (GIS) mapping and Helioscope to calculate the possibility of photovoltaic energy. We conclude that the transition to renewable energy sources is not only possible, but entirely feasible, and will move the university toward carbon-free status. Suitable means of transport include electric bicycles, electric mobility charging stations, and micro grid solutions. Based on simulation results, we design a pilot plan and locate the most efficient places on campus for locating renewable facilities. Current research suggests that humanity has approximately ten years to mitigate and reverse the effects of climate change to ensure the future of our planet, its biodiversity, and the human species.




Comment citer

Ibanescu, C. (2021). Climate change solutions; Electric mobility at York University . Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research), 8. Consulté à l’adresse



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