The Implications of Social Media on #BlackLivesMatter


  • Roxanne Khasow


This essay explores the world of social media and its implications for social movements such as #BlackLivesMatter. #BlackLivesMatter was created after the death of Trayvon Martin, and stems from the inaction from the judicial system toward his murderer, George Zimmerman. The movement sought to bring attention to all Black lives that were being discriminated against by the state and the police in the United States, through underlying ideologies of inequality and exploitation. On social media websites such as Twitter, the activists behind #BlackLivesMatter found a place where they could push back, strive for collective action, and protest against the state and mass media organizations. Social media has created a space where people around the world could exchange thoughts, ideas, emotions, and debates on social injustice—a community designed for those who are outraged and seek change in a world they see as unjust. But social media has also been manipulated by political and economic elites, and corporations can control what society sees online. Some cyber activists seek attention instead of actual change for Black lives.  This project concludes that social media affects #BlackLivesMatter in both positive and negative ways, but it is up to the people to seek active change and to make a difference.




Comment citer

Khasow, R. . (2022). The Implications of Social Media on #BlackLivesMatter. Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research), 7. Consulté à l’adresse



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